At Psalms School/En la escuela de los Salmos
Learning the Multiple Elements of Christian Worship/Aprendiendo los múltiples elementos de la adoración cristiana

Reading Psalms is kind of like going to school. They teach us how to listen to and talk with God in worship, at church, and every day. This bilingual children's picture book about the role of the biblical psalms in Christian worship touches on many aspects of Christian life, including worship, lamentation, offering, and repentance, among others. And the illustrations throughout are vibrant and immediately inviting. This book is the perfect introduction to the psalms of the Bible for young children.

María Eugenia Cornou is program manager for international and intercultural learning at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. She coauthored En la mesa de Dios/At God’s Table. John D. Witvliet is the director of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and a professor of congregational and ministry studies, music, and worship at Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary. Joel Schoon-Tanis has illustrated several books and painted murals around the world, including Kenya, Zambia, and the Separation Wall in Palestine.