Atlas of Cats

Age range 6 to 9
How many cat breeds are there? Let's find out! This book belongs to all cat lovers!
Did you know that some cats don’t have five fingers, but six? We’re not pulling your whiskers — it’s true! Whether you have your own pet at home or whether you just like these adorable little rascals — read our illustrated cat atlas, which will introduce you to the most interesting, lazy, cuddly, and wild cat breeds in the world, from the common European tabby to the silky-haired Persian cat and the unusual Lykoi. And don’t worry, that one over there isn’t a tiny werewolf — it just looks like one. And if you enjoy bedtime stories, don’t forget to cuddle up in bed and immerse yourself in the Meow News, a newspaper that comes with the atlas. It contains many stories, interviews, and news from around the world of renowned feline celebrities, as well as lesser-known cat heroes and heroines.
'When I was a kid, I wanted this kind of book. I remember specifically searching for this book, in fact, and coming up with nothing. Pretty much, I wanted a title that could systematically tell me about all the different cat breeds out there. And while I’m sure we’ve seen such somewhat similar books in the past, there’s something so nice about this flurry of fluffy facts.' – Elizabeth Bird, School Library Journal
'Atlas of Cats is an excellent entertaining reference of cat breeds. The book features a huge variety of breeds, fun facts, and stories about famous cats throughout history. The illustrations are adorable andwhimsical. A perfect book for a young cat lover!' – Mara L, Reviewer

Jana Sedlackova comes from the Czech Republic. She sings in the Blahoslav Hajnc Choir, and at Christmas she loves to decorate gingerbread. She is fond of fairy tales, and she’s convinced that people who don’t read them are still looking for the right one!
Giulia Lombardo was born on the cold Christmas Eve of 1991 in Florence, Italy and from that day she struggles to have someone at her birthday party to snatch from family dinners. She currently collaborates with several publishing houses around the world. In her spare time she builds vintage chicken coops, produces homemade yogurt and treks with broken shoes. She’s afraid of needles, but she’s not afraid of any kind of deadly work planning.