Human Rights & Human Wrongs
A Life Confronting Racism

Many domains are black and cruelly white. In this book Colin Tatz, a world authority on racial conflict and abuse, a key figure in Indigenous Studies in Australia and an author of major works on genocide, Aboriginal youth suicide, and Aboriginal and Islander sporting achievements, tells his personal story. Born and educated in South Africa, Tatz worked to expose and oppose that nations centuries-old apartheid regimes before leaving for what he thought would be a more enlightened nation, only to find in Australia striking parallels of that other dismal universe. As a researcher, writer and activist he has dedicated his life to confronting what people do to other people on the basis of their race or ethnicity, but relates here also how alienation, his Jewishness and an intriguing problem with food have been, for him, propelling forces. Tatzs story, ranging from Southern Africa to Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Israel, is an important one for anyone genuinely interested in the struggle to achieve social justice for minorities and marginalised peoples.