Life Chances, Education and Social Movements

Anthem Press
Lyle Munro
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A study of how education and social movements can enhance the life chances of individuals and disadvantaged groups.

Life Chances, Education and Social Movements dwells on the necessity of education and social movements for enhancing the life chances of individuals and disadvantaged groups respectively. Ralf Dahrendorf's work on life chances and social conflict is used to support the theoretical and empirical arguments in the book.

Contributor Bio

Lyle Munro is an honorary research fellow at Federation University Australia, having taught sociology at Monash University from 1990 to 2010. Munro’s published books cover the history, philosophy and sociology of the animal rights movement in Australia, the UK and the United States: Compassionate Beasts: The Quest for Animal Rights (2001) and Confronting Cruelty: Animals, Moral Orthodoxy and the Challenge of the Animal Rights Movement (2005).

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