
Adventures in American Machismo

Council Oak Books
Brian Bouldrey
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Straight, gay, macho man, or great big sissy, it's tough to be a guy. Brian Bouldrey is a bona fide sissy - but he was also an Eagle Scout and a member of the Order of the Arrow with a secret Indian name that translates as "Active One." In Monster Bouldrey goes undercover and over the top to stalk machismo in action. At the same time Bouldrey bares his own soul - and imperfections - with disarming, and often hilarious, honesty.

Contributor Bio

Brian Bouldrey is the author, most recently, of Inspired Journeys: Travel Writers in Search of the Muse. He has written three nonfiction books: Honorable Bandit: A Walk Across Corsica, Monster: Adventures in American Machismo, and The Autobiography Box; three novels: The Genius of Desire, Love, the Magician, and The Boom Economy, and he is the editor of several anthologies. He teaches fiction, creative nonfiction, and literature at Northwestern University. He is the North American editor of the "Open Door" literacy series for GemmaMedia.
