My Child Is Sick!
Expert Advice for Managing Common Illnesses and Injuries

Like a pediatric phone consultation in book form!
Parents of sick or injured children will find clear, evidence-based answers for what to do when their child is sick or injured, allowing them to save time and money while providing the best care for their child. My Child Is Sick features the most common childhood illnesses and injuries with guidance based on the same criteria used by pediatric call centers to determine if a child is best treated at home, the pediatrician’s office, or the emergency department. From pink eye to ear infections and bee stings to vomiting, conditions are explained in easy-to-understand terms, clearly laying out next steps for parents to follow. This new third edition is fully revised and updated and includes COVID-19 information as well as helpful tools like an over-the-counter medication dosing chart.

Barton D. Schmitt, MD, FAAP, is a professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and former medical director of the After-Hours Call Center for 30 years at Children’s Hospital Colorado in Aurora, CO. He is the author of Pediatric Telephone Protocols.