Pagan and Earth-Centered Voices in Unitarian Universalism

Skinner House Books
Edited by Jerrie Kishpaugh Hildebrand, Shirley Ann Ranck
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These 23 essays by some of the most prominent leaders in Unitarian Universalist Paganism bring Pagan and Earth-centered theo/alogy to life for a new generation. Featuring the writings of both clergy and laypeople, this vibrant collection demonstrates the many expressions of nature-based spirituality and the ways they feed the souls of so many. The essayists describe a broad array of practices, including Wiccan traditions, Neo-Pagan rituals and celebrations, worship of the divine feminine, and nature-based beliefs and practices that bring us into harmony and balance with our natural environment. Contributors also describe the development of nature-based theo/alogy within Unitarian Universalism—including the organization of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, the addition of the sixth Source to the UUA bylaws recognizing Earth-centered spirituality, and the integration of Pagan practices into congregational life.

Contributor Bio

Jerrie Kishpaugh Hildebrand serves on the board of trustees of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans. She is an ordained minister with Circle Sanctuary in Wisconsin and attends First Church Unitarian in Salem, Massachusetts.
