Peditos, pedos y superpedos

Elefante explica a Jerbo que todo el mundo se tira pedos. Las vacas son máquinas de tirarse pedos, los dragones se tiran pedos de fuego y los pedos de los abuelos hacen reír a toda la ciudad.
Los tiburones se tiran pedos. Y las lombrices. También las superheroínas. Todo el mundo se tira pedos. Si no lo hiciéramos ¡explotaríamos! Pero cada ser vivo se tira pedos diferentes, pueden ser pedos burbuja, súperapestosos o solo ruidosos. No es lo mismo el pedo de una araña que el de una serpiente. Cada animal tiene sus costumbres y sus particularidades. Sigue leyendo para saberlo todo sobre estos olorosos secretos.
Teaching kids not to be ashamed of their natural bodily functions, this laugh-out-loud picture book features cows, monkeys, dinosaurs, and other tooters from the animal kingdom and beyond!
Jerboa feels shocked and embarrassed when he unexpectedly lets out a stinky, squeaky toot. Luckily, the wise Elephant is there to remind the shy creature that, whether big or small, animal or human, dinosaur or monster, Everybody Toots! Featuring hilarious rhyming text and entertaining illustrations, this cheeky picture book will leave kids bursting with laughter while also teaching them that passing gas is totally normal and okay.

Jonny Leighton is an editor and writer based in Newcastle. He is the author of the funny picture books Does a Bear Poo in the Woods? and Which Bum's Mum's? (both illustrated by Mike Byrne) as well as numerous non-fiction titles for children, and the bestselling Magical Unicorn Society. Jonny’s funny rhyming text and imaginative worlds have been translated and enjoyed by over 20 countries across the world.
Mike Byrne grew up on the Wirral near Liverpool before moving to Wales to study Illustration at Glyndwr University. Mike now lives in the countryside with his wife, cat and his two sons where he spends his days doodling and illustrating children's books fuelled only by tea and biscuits. He is the illustrator of Does a Bear Poo in the Woods? and Which Bum's Mum's?, as well as numerous picture books for Scholastic and Macmillan Children's Books.