Portraits of Tibet

Graffeg Limited
Diane Barker
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This selection of 108 portrait images documents several journeys made by Diane Barker to join in the everyday lives of the ancient nomadic people of Tibet, one of the last great surviving nomad communities in the world

Taken over the course of thirty years, the photographs share the timeless practices and traditions of the nomadic lifestyle as well as the shifts and changes which have become visible in more recent times, seeing them at work. This collection offers a uniquely personal insight into these natural stewards of the land.

Contributor Bio

Diane Barker is a photographer and artist based in Worcestershire, England. After studying Art History at the University of East Anglia and receiving an MA in Birmingham for a photo project recording the marks made by man on the landscape, she went on to make a living as a painter, using photography as an aid. She later came to see photography as a medium in its own right, a means of being out in the world with people, particularly the Tibetan nomads. Diane’s works are held in private and public collections around the world. Her previous books include Tibetan Prayer Flags: Send Your Blessings on the Breeze.
