Run To Ground
A Novel

Murderer Assassinated at Prison Gates: Justice Served?
What would you do if someone brutally murdered your only child, served only months in jail because of a technicality, and continually taunted, even threatened, you from behind bars?
Could you hide your growing rage from family and friends? Could you gun the killer down as he left prison? Could you change your ID and leave behind your entire life—family, friends, jobs, house—and just disappear? Could Tim and Martha Foster do this?
Forensic evidence and criminal behavior expert Dub Walker, along with best friend and homicide investigator T-Tommy Tortelli and ex-wife and TV reporter Claire McBride, employ all their skills to track down the Fosters.
But Dub quickly learns that the murder of Walter Whitiker is not as simple as it appears, and Tim and Martha are not the only ones who want Walt dead. Are they truly as clever as they seem, or did someone twist the evidence to keep the hot light of suspicion on the Fosters?
Perfect for fans of Jeffery Deaver

D. P. Lyle is the award-winning author of 18 books of fiction and nonfiction. His thriller series have included the best-selling Jake Longly Thriller Series, the Cain/Harper Series, the Dub Walker Series, the Samantha Cody Series, and The Royal Pain Media Tie-In Series. Lyle is the author of Forensics for Dummies and Forensics and Fiction. He has been a consultant to numerous novelists and screenwriters of popular TV shows, served as co-host of Crime and Science Radio, and currently hosts the Criminal Mischief podcast series. He lives in Orange County, California.