Sharkfin and the School of Fish

When Sharkfin’s new schoolmates seem afraid of him, he must learn that true friends should like him for who he is.
Sharkfin’s starting school, but all the other fish seem afraid of him. When he gives them gifts, they swim away. When he does tricks he fumbles and they laugh at him. But with some words from his parents and a chance to reach out to a new friend, Sharkfin might just learn that friends should love him for who he is and not what he brings them.

Lisa Monterosso grew up in South Australia and has written stories since her childhood, inspired by the picture books her parents and grandparents read to her. She later completed a Diploma of Arts and participated in various writing groups, finding fulfilment through both her writing and through encouraging others to pursue their own creative goals. When she isn’t writing, she can be found reading, drinking coffee or spending time with her husband, family and friends.
Carlotta Zanettini is a children’s book illustrator and creator. Her works are inspired by nature, magic, and the little things that happen in our everyday lives. Carlotta was born and lives in the windy city of Trieste in northeast Italy.