Sleeping with Houdini

BOA Editions
Nin Andrews
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Nin Andrews is arguably the leading female voice in American prose poetry. In a 2005 feature on Andrews in Moby Lives, Denise Duhamel wrote, “Nin Andrews is a complete original. Gender-bending and genre-blurring, Andrews is a fabulous fabulist. . . . Her work is always surprising, sharp and wild.” In Sleeping with Houdini, Andrews speaks as a little girl who wishes she could vanish at will, just as Houdini did. As she grows, Houdini becomes a personal icon, a magical being, a muse, an ultimate lover, and a metaphor for longing.

Nin Andrews is author of the highly acclaimed The Book of Orgasms and other collections.

Contributor Bio

Nin Andrews is the author of Spontaneous Breasts, winner of the Pearl Chapbook Contest; Any Kind of Excuse, winner of the Kent State University chapbook contest; The Book of Orgasms; and Why They Grow Wings, winner of the Gerald Cable Award. Her book, Midlife Crisis with Dick and Jane, was published in 2005 by Web del Sol.

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