Tatty Mouse Super Racer
The mend-it, make-it mouse!

Age range: 0 to 3
TATTY MOUSE is the ULTIMATE RECYCLER. She doesn't like to see anything go to waste and thinks of inventive ways of reusing what others throw away. With her super-cool tool kit and craft box, find out how Tatty Mouse becomes a SUPER RACER!
About the series: A BRILLIANT new lift-the-flap board book series for babies and toddlers introducing the need to care for our environment and all the fun ways of doing it. With Hilary Robinson’s joyful and rhythmic text coupled with Mandy Stanley’s colourful and fun illustrations, Tatty Mouse is a role model for the new regeneration!

Hilary Robinson is an author, radio producer, broadcaster and feature writer. She was born in Devon and brought up in Nigeria and England. The author of nearly seventy books for children, she is best known for Mixed Up Fairy Tales. Her books have been translated into a number of languages and are sold across the world. She lives and works in London and Yorkshire.
Mandy Stanley is an award-winning illustrator, author and designer who has published more than 200 picture, story and activity books for children. She was born in Suffolk and now works from her studio at home in Beccles.