The Adventures of Sam & Keecha

Trips to the City, Experiencing Meowi Wowi Catnip, and SlapLick Concerts

Barbara Massey
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"The Adventures of Sam and Keecha" is a humorous tale about a black lab named Sam who was adopted from the shelter. Sam acts innocent, but her records show she was in the pound for a chicken coop massacre. Her sister, Keecha, is a sarcastic black cat from the big city. She is grateful for everything she has and takes advantage of every chance she gets. These two are always pulling fast ones on their parents. Sam wants to meet her idol, Abby, the most famous dog in Crown Town. Sam is always watching Abby and her rockstar dad drive through the square. She wants to be famous just like Abby. Read about Sam and Keecha's everyday adventures from their first meeting to chasing squirrels, scaring the mailman, dealing with the Grumpies, getting treats from their parents, taking hospital trips, encountering the mysterious white deer, being bullied, battling nightmares, finding inner peace, taking trips to the city, experiencing meowi wowi catnip, and attending a SlapLick concert. This is a great, comical read for young teens, twelve and up.

Contributor Bio

Barbara Massey grew up in Chicago, enjoying the city life. As a first-generation American, she knew the hardships her grandparents had gone through to live the American dream and is forever grateful. She found herself a career in veterinary medicine as a certified nurse caring for animals. Her gratitude and will to do good things made her extremely happy. Barbara soon met her husband, which led her to relocate. She started feeling down and missing her city life. Therein began the creation of "The Adventures of Sam and Keecha!"