The Arthurian Tradition

Explores the tales of King Arthur and the round table using insight and meditation.
The myths and legends of King Arthur and his knights, of the enchanter Merlin, and of their quests and adventures, form one of the greatest cycles of stories ever composed. In this book the most important tales are explored in depth by one of the world's best known authorities on this subject. Also included are a series of meditational exercise to help the reader find his or her way to the heart of the Arthurian mysteries.

John Matthews has been a full time writer since 1980 and has produced over 100 books on myth, faery, the Arthurian Legends and Grail Studies, short stories, poetry and children’s books. He has devoted much of the past forty years to the study of Arthurian Traditions and myth in general. In 2003 he was the historical advisor to the Jerry Bruckheimer movie ‘King Arthur’.