The Cult of What Comes Next

The Cult of What Comes Next is S. K. Kelen’s latest collection of poems, an assembly of moments – of life and dreams from the past and the future where time is at once arrow, vortex, sphere and cloud, a journey to the outer moons of an unknown world, sleepless nights, some conversations with ghosts and glimpses of what happens in the afterlife, history re-visited, the haunting of hobgoblins, (not to mention a couple of his old poems revived and polished only to be abandoned again) journeys through the dark memories of the soul and coming home – all composed with elan, a taut lyricism and refreshingly rhythmic lines mutating in form through a swarm of haiku to wild odes and sonnet-like creatures from outer space.

S. K. Kelen has been writing poems for longer than he cares to remember. His work has been published widely in journals, newspapers, online, appeared in anthologies and broadcast on radio. His most recent book, A Happening in Hades, was published by Puncher & Wattmann in 2020.