The Healthy Parent's ABC's

Healthy Parenting Made Clear and Easy-to-Read

Unhooked Books
Benjamin D. Garber PhD
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Laid out in twenty-six sections corresponding to the letters of the English alphabet, couples, groups or classes can move through this fun "how to" guide from one lesson to the next, one letter at a time. Caregiving environments, schools and child-centered organizations assign one letter per week to complete the alphabet in full twice each year!

Contributor Bio

Psychologist and author, Benjamin Garber, is a New Hampshire licensed psychologist, a former Guardian ad litem and a Parenting Coordinator. He speaks in the U.S. and abroad, in addition to being a researcher and an award-winning freelance journalist, writing in the areas of child and family development for popular press publications and in juried professional publications in both law and psychology. Dr. Garber has advanced degrees in child and family development, clinical psychology, and psycholinguistics from the Pennsylvania State University and the University of Michigan. He has lived and worked in New Hampshire since 1988, opening his present practice in clinical child, family, forensic and consulting psychology in 1999.