The Tempest The Graphic Novel: Original Text

Many consider The Tempest to be Shakespeare's "crowning glory". Cast onto the waters by his power-hungry brother, Prospero has developed strong magical powers that he now uses to teach a lesson to those that have previously wronged him and his daughter Miranda.
Designed to encourage readers to enjoy classical literature, titles in the Classical Comics range stay true to the original vision of the authors. They also offer alternative text versions to cater for different readership levels. All of the events of the play are present in every version – it’s only the speech that changes!
To support the use of this title in the classroom, photocopiable teachers resources are available that offer lesson plans and activities from 6th grade and up: ISBN 978-1-906332-77-8.

John McDonald is a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company and has adapted all of Classical Comics' Shakespeare titles. He lives in Hemel Hempstead, UK.
Jon Haward created the character designs and original artwork for Classical Comics' The Tempest. He lives in Lowestoft, UK.
Gary Erskine inked The Tempest. He also drew Dan Dare for Virgin comics. He lives in Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Nigel Dobbyn has previously lettered Henry V and both lettered and colored The Tempest for Classical Comics. He lives in Cleveland, UK.
Clive Bryant is the founder of Classical Comics and has served as Editor in Chief for the entire series. He lives in Northampton, UK.