Theorising Architecture in Sub-Saharan Africa

Perspectives, Questions, and Concepts

DOM Publishers
Edited by Philipp Meuser, Adil Dalbai
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Considering the immense diversity of sub-Saharan Africa’s architecture and built realities, does it make sense to speak of an African architecture? How does this differ from archi­tecture in Africa? What does the term architecture actually mean in the African context? And how could these questions be conceptualised while leaving behind pre-existing theoretical moulds and biases?

Searching for new ways to theorise sub-Saharan African architecture, this collection of 49 essays broadens and develops the discourse around the architecture of a very rapidly changing continent. Its authors – practising archi­­tects and renowned scholars – put forward an array of heterogeneous perspectives, question old tropes and emerg­­ing narratives, and challenge popular concepts whilst pro­pos­ing new ones. All with the aim of critically examining and advancing theoretical reflection on African archi­tec­tures, both on the continent and globally.

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