You’re Not Crazy—You’re Grieving:
6 Steps for Surviving Loss

After a significant loss, it’ s common to feel like we’ re going crazy. The sudden absence of someone we love is not only devastating, it’ s disorienting.
The first year or two of grief is often unbelievably painful and confusing. We’ re in shock, often for weeks or months. Time seems out of whack. We feel powerless, helpless, and ineffective. We can’ t think straight; we can’ t get anything done. Our moods swing wildly, and we say and do crazy things. We cry, and we cling to objects that belonged to the person who died. We have bizarre dreams. We think we hear, see, or experience communications from the person who died. We wonder if we can (or should) go on. And through it all, our minds and hearts return over and over again to the impossible reality that can never again talk to or touch a person who lived and breathed and gave our lives so much meaning.
There is nothing more challenging than the early weeks and months of a major life loss. But this compassionate book, by one of the world’ s most respected grief counselors, will help you endure. In his many years of counseling those in grief, the most common question Dr. Wolfelt is asked is, “ Am I going crazy?” Yes, you may feel like

Dr. Alan Wolfelt has been recognized as one of North America’s leading death educators and grief counselors. His books have sold more than a million copies worldwide and have been translated into many languages. Well respected for his inspiring teaching ability, Dr. Wolfelt is a past recipient of the Association for Death Education Death Educator Award. He is known around the world for his compassionate messages of hope and healing as well as his companioning philosophy of grief care. Dr. Alan Wolfelt is a speaker, grief counselor, and Director of the Center for Loss and Life Transition. He is the author of Understanding Your Grief, The Depression of Grief, and The Paradoxes of Mourning. He lives in Fort Collins, Colorado.