99 Ways to Make a Pipe
Problem Solving for Pot Smokers

It's a problem many a pot smoker has faced at one time or another: how am I going to smoke this? Fear not, gentle stoner, we have the answers right here. Industrial designer Brett Stern has created 99 devices from common household objects that you can use to smoke your blues away. In fact, you may never see the items in your home the same way again.
DIY, humorous, and practical - each hack has easy to follow step-by-step instructions as well as a full color photo of the finished pipe, bong, or joint to show you how it's done. Pot smokers are known for their resourcefulness, and many readers will enjoy being reminded of "that one time" when their own ingenuity saved the day. Stern has taken this challenge to the extreme and has created so many clever and useful tools it will literally make you wonder if everything (including the book itself) can be used to smoke marijuana. (Answer: yes it can!)
This witty, how-to guide is a perfect gift for the pot smoker who also enjoys problem solving, abstract thinking, and, of course, getting high.

Brett Stern is the author of two previous titles, 99 Ways to Open a Beer Bottle Without a Bottle Opener and Inventors at Work: The Minds and Motivation Behind Modern Inventions. He is also an industrial designer and inventor living in Portland, Oregon. He holds 8 utility patents covering surgical instruments, medical implants, robotic garment-manufacturing systems and food packaging. He has trademarks in 34 countries on his line of Beer Chips(R) snack foods where he figured out how to put beer into a potato chip without making them soggy and marketed them around the world.