A Century of Sanctuary
The Art of Zion National Park
For the past 130 years, gifted artists, from Thomas Moran to Jim Jones and Roland Lee, from Maynard Dixon to Lynn Berryhill and Kate Starling, have translated onto canvas and paper the wonder, the mystery, and the unutterable beauty of Zion Canyon. Their work has preserved their most intimate impressions of the canyon for the rest of us to experience again and again. Commemorating Zion National Park's 2009 Centennial, an amazing assemblage of timeless works was gathered into one exhibit at the St. George Art Museum and is now preserved forever. On these pages are found many of the finest works of Zion Canyon art ever created, from the historic to the contemporary.
Maynard Dixon once said his mind was "set to tell the truth of it" on paper and on canvas. There are many ways to get at the truth, and each artist represented here has found it through his or her own means. The truth of Zion Canyon is revealed to each of us the first time we raise our eyes to its pinnacles. We can experience it for the first time only once, but through the wonderful works of art reproduced in this book, it is our fortune to be able to view an array of beautifully varied interpretations of Zion whenever we wish. Through the transforming power of art, our souls can be sparked and our hearts renewed with the wonder we felt that first time. The truth revealed in these paintings allows us to see Zion anew, again...and again.