A Double Act

A selection drawn from their various intoxicating books (Airborne Dogs, Nutters Without Fetters, Poems of Relative Unlikelihood, The Wallah Group, The Gutman Variations (their study of Jacques Lacan), the verse novel The Ferrara Poems — later filmed — and Lucky For Some). Warning: will produce exhilaration, euphoria, general systemic excitation, scorn, weeping, laughter. Parodic, yet intense — poems terse, thoughtful, complex or pellucid, philosophical, and not unacquainted with beauty, but always sharp, always funny. A DOUBLE ACT —guaranteed to levitate right off the table, and take its readers with it.
'Due perhaps to their collaborative nature there is a remarkable freedom from anxiety here. But there is a great deal of intelligence.' – Stephanie Trigg, Island
'Ludic, breathtakingly, drastically reductive — like Weil, like Brecht — caring and bare-knuckled, canny and guileless, winsome and ruthless — I love these guys!' – Suzy Treister

John Jenkins: a much-travelled journalist and editor, now based in greater Melbourne’s semi-rural fringe, his literary production has been considerable, including poetry, performance work, non-fiction, new music appraisal and short fiction.
Ken Bolton: once Sydney-based but now a long-time resident of Adelaide — edited significant literary magazines and ran Little Esther Press. He has published much poetry and art criticism, edited Homage to John Forbes and wrote the artist’s monograph, Michelle Nikou.