A Long and Echoing Light

Notes from a Pandemic

Daylight Books
Jon Plasse, afterword by Chuck Kelton
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Over the course of the pandemic, Jon Plasse photographed familiar objects around his home. The resulting series, in turns subtle and startling, evokes the intensity, monotony and disorientation of life in isolation.

Contributor Bio

Jon Plasse focuses his work on memorializing a special time, place or experience - often represented by personal loss, solitude, excitement or mystery. His publications include The Stadium - Images and Voices of the Original Yankee StadiumSUNY Press, Albany, N.Y. (2011), and The Light Remains" (2009).

Afterword by Chuck Kelton, a photographer who combines chemogram and photogram techniques into abstract landscapes. He is also a master printer, for over 35 years handling the work of a wide variety of highly regarded photographers.
