A Philosopher’s Take on Economics

John Tippett
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Everyone wants to be happy…don’t they? Everyone seeks fulfillment in life…don’t they? Unfortunately, this is not the common state in life today and much is due to the human failing of greed. This book offers a solution.

Science explains and understands the world of matter and philosophy explains and understands the world of spirit. Economics is the meeting place of these two worlds. Tippett provides the bridge between these two realms. It is a necessary to do so, to ensure the rule of justice.

This book is aimed at presenting a common-sense, first-principles, philosophical perspective on a vital subject that seems to have lost its way. There is such a thing as justice, there is such a thing as truth; and these two need not be lost forever.

Contributor Bio

John Tippett’s formal Training as an economist began at the University of Melbourne. An upbringing on a family farm in North western Victoria, Australia and early studies in agricultural science had a large influence on forming values of self-reliance, responsibility and practicality, all of which Interpenetrate his thoughts and writings on economics. As an active member of the school of philosophy in Melbourne of over 30 years, has been an even greater influence on his writings.