A Pocket Guide to Sharks of the World
Second Edition

An updated and comprehensive guide identifying all of the world's sharks Sharks are some of the most misunderstood animals on the planet. We still have a lot to learn about these fascinating creatures, which are more seriously threatened with extinction and in greater need of conservation and management than any other major group of vertebrates. A Pocket Guide to Sharks of the World is the only field guide to identify, illustrate, and describe every known shark species. Its compact format makes it handy for many situations, including recognizing living species, fishery catches, or parts sold at markets. This expanded second edition presents lavish images, details on newly discovered species, and updated text throughout. The book contains useful sections on identifying shark teeth and the shark fins most commonly encountered in the fin trade, and takes a look at shark biology, ecology, and conservation. A Pocket Guide to Sharks of the World will be an essential resource and definitive reference for years to come. An updated guide to all of the world's sharks Each species is illustrated and described Handy, compact format with concise text Useful sections on the identification of shark teeth and fins

David A. Ebert is program director of the Pacific Shark Research Center and a research faculty member at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. Twitter @lostsharksguy Instagram @lostsharkguy Sarah Fowler is cofounder of the Shark Trust and the European Elasmobranch Association and a member of the IUCN Shark Specialist Group. Marc Dando is a scientific illustrator and publisher whose books include Guide to the Manta and Devil Rays of the World and Sharks of the World (both Princeton). Twitter @dando_marc