A Seat at the Table

The Life and Times of Shirley Chisholm

Lawrence Hill Books
Glenn L. Starks, F. Erik Brooks
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When Shirley Chisholm was asked why she would dare run for president, her response was, why not her?
Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm rose from being the child of immigrants to the United States to running for the highest office in the land. Her achievement in doing this as a Black woman was not in spite of her background but rather because of it. She became both the first African American woman elected to the US Congress and the first female African American of a major political party to make a serious run for president of the United States.
She persevered by being steadfast in her political convictions and unwillingness to compromise on the issues she believed in. Chisholm directly challenged the political establishment and was successful because she galvanized women, minorities, young people, and the poor not only in her home district in Brooklyn, New York, but across the country.
She was that catalyst for change who gave a political voice to so many segments of society who were, up until that time, ignored: women, minorities, the young, members of the gay community, domestic and agricultural workers, and the poor. Her run for the presidency in 1972 was a win in terms of her forging a unified grassroots campaign in which the voices of the previously voiceless joined together for a single cause of voting for someone who supported their diverse but collective interests.
As many historians have pointed out, without Shirley Chisholm there may not have been a Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, or Kamala Harris.

Contributor Bio

Glenn L. Starks holds a doctorate in public policy and administration from Virginia Commonwealth University’s L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs. He has almost thirty years of experience working for the United States government and has written extensively on public administration and American politics, including two recent books on the history of the United States government. He has taught graduate courses at Walden University since 2014. F. Erik Brooks holds a doctorate in public policy and administration from the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University. He has thirty years of experience in higher education. Brooks is the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio. He holds the rank of professor and has written extensively in the areas of African American history, public administration, and US politics.
