A-Z Guide to Food Additives

Never Eat What You Can't Pronounce (Meal Planner, Food Counter, Grocery List, Shopping for Healthy Food)

Conari Press
Deanna M. Minich PhD

Transform Your Diet from Heart-Pounding to Heart-Healthy

#1 Bestseller in Diet Therapy, Diet & Nutrition

A personal nutritionist right in the palm of your hand, this guide will transform your grocery list and encourage healthy eating habits that will have you selecting the best foods for your body.

Here’s a tongue twister. Say cochineal extract, diacetyl, teriary butylhydroquinone, BHA, HFCS, and MSG. It's not just knowing how to pronounce what's in your food, it's knowing what it does and how it can affect you. The average American consumes about 150 pounds of food additives per year. With so many processed foods on the supermarket shelves, it can be hard to navigate the waters to an additive free diet.

Change the way you eat and shop.   provides heart healthy tips while helping you avoid undesirable food additives. Also, get the rundown on which additives do no harm and may even be nutritious. Put this book in your purse or pocket and head down to your grocery store with a grocery list in one hand and your newfound knowledge in the other.

A-Z Guide to Food Additives delivers:

  • Essential nutrition advice
  • Hints on what to look for when reading those unreadable ingredient labels
  • Tips on buying fresh produce in order to avoid pesticides

Designed with you in mind. This little book will serve as an "additive translator" when navigating through the minefield of additives that may cause allergic reactions. Certain ingredients can contribute to headaches, fatigue, breathing difficulties and bloating. Included are safety ratings for 300 ingredients and reference charts for additives that may cause cancer or allergic reactions or that should be limited for sodium sensitive individuals.

If you enjoyed heart healthy reads such as The Obesity Code,Lose Weight Like Crazy, or How Not to Die, then you’ll love A-Z Guide to Food Additives.

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