Alien: Into Charybdis

Titan Books
Alex White
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“Shy” Hunt and the tech team from McAllen Integrations thought they’d have an easy job — set up environmental systems for the brand new Hasanova Data Solutions colony, built on the abandoned ruins of a complex known as “Charybdis.” There are just two problems: the colony belongs to the Iranian state, so diplomacy is strained at best, and the complex is located above a series of hidden caves that contain deadly secrets.

When a bizarre ship lands on a nearby island, one of the workers is attacked by a taloned creature, and trust evaporates between the Iranians and Americans.

The McAllen Integrations crew are imprisoned, accused as spies, but manage to send out a distress signal…to the Colonial Marines.

Alien: Into Charybdis TM & © 2019 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.

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