Always Becoming
Sex, Shame & Love
Always Becoming chronicles one young woman’s mental, physical, and spiritual journey into wholeness after experiencing a quarter-life crisis.
One day while living the hustle-hard, success-driven American Dream, Tamra pulled into her driveway after a long day’s work to see her two babies and husband, and realized she felt completely void and totally overwhelmed. Tormented by suicidal ideation, loss of identity, and the revelation of suppressed childhood sexual trauma, Tamra arrived at the end of herself and the beginning of a relationship with Jesus.
Always Becoming untangles the sexualized, materialized culture that has entangled and objectified females, through a healthy rediscovery of the intended identity of a woman. Her heartfelt and yet shocking story breathes life into the mental health crisis, demise of the marriage covenant and the plague of church hurt. This is a story about relationship and existing in the freedom and fulfillment of love that is promised to every person.