American Psyche

The Unlit Cave

Daylight Books
Photographs by George Elsasser, contributions by Deborah McLeod, Seth Feman
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American Psyche: The Unlit Cave is a collection of images made in the United States from 2004 to 2019. The photographs are visual metaphors mirroring the artist's reactions to America's colonialism and its inability to live up to its ideals. Heavily influenced by Carl Jung's concepts of synchronicity and the unconscious, it uses American symbols to create a unique record of our current moment.

Contributor Bio

George Elsasser holds a BA in Art, had early recognition from Robert Heinecken, Emmet Gowin, and George Krause as juror's in shows at venues such as the Chrysler Museum of Art and NYU. His work received six solo and has been included in eleven group shows. In 1997 he received a 20-Year Retrospective at the Hermitage Foundation Museum.