Another Chance

Cuento de Luz
Azahara Castillo Castillo, illustrated by Carolina Luzón Luzón
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Age range 4 to 8

After a windy night, the sun rises. Two fuzzy bundles of red fur wake up in a hidden burrow in a remote forest.

But an unexpected visitor calls on the family and, praising the qualities of the two cubs, full of energy and vitality, encourage them, driven by curiosity, to search for food on their own and to explore beyond the safe confines of the valley.

Following what they believe to be someone they can trust, they will embark on a dangerous adventure where their lives will be in grave danger. Exposed to even more dangerous and threatening creatures, they will discover that all is not yet lost, and they have a unique sense of smell that could save them. Will they still have time to listen to their instinct?

Contributor Bio

Azahara Castillo (Granada, Spain, 1986). A graduate with a Bachelor's and Master's in Law from the University of Granada, she always found solace in books and writing. At the same time, her imagination became her means of transportation to visit impossible places. Known on social media as "Cuentitis Crónica," she has spent years writing literary reviews to promote reading, especially in children and young adults, considering it the most fundamental stage of a human being's development. Currently, she actively collaborates with educational platforms and literary magazines. As a child, she wrote her own stories and dreamt of the day she would share them with the world. Today, alongside raising her two children, she combines her roles as a writer with literary criticism, professional text editing, legal and literary consulting, and creating copyright content for publishers and authors.

Carolina Luzón is a writer and illustrator from Barcelona. She’s a Ph.D. in Fine Arts from the University of Granada and Seville. After a long blooming pictorial career full of exhibitions and awards, she moved to Italy, where she directed her career toward illustration, her current profession since 2011. She has already published more than ten books.

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