Atchafalaya Darling
In Shome Dasgupta's latest collection, the dream-like world of South Louisiana shimmers through one of its most original voices. Atchafalaya Darling contains local music scenes, crumbling homes, and creature comforts amid the convergence of wild hopes and rural spaces. Each story navigates the nature of memory, lost or found, sprinkled like spice into the red of the crawfish. While this collection often portrays immense grief— whether from hurricane winds or splintered dreams— ?each character clings to a love for place and the people who make it home. Atchafalaya Darling is an homage to Cajun culture, providing ten glimpses into this region like a series of faded Polaroid pictures held under the sun.
Shome Dasgupta is the author of twelve books, including Histories of Memories and The Muu-Antiques. His fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction have appeared in McSweeney’ s Internet Tendency, American Book Review, New Orleans Review, New Delta Review, Necessary Fiction, Louisiana Literature, and elsewhere. His work has been anthologized in Best Small Fictions, The &Now Awards: The Best Innovative Writing, and Poetic Voices Without Borders. He lives in Lafayette, Louisiana.