Attn: Solitude

Cordite Publishing Inc.
Mez Breeze, introduction by Florian Cramer
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Don't mistake this for an experimental poetry book. This is a five-year archival snapshot of text-streaming transmissions; a recording that documents continuity. The streams captured in this volume were composed in a period after email forums had disappeared. 'New media' had, in the meantime, ceased to be new. The arts terms 'post-internet' and 'the new aesthetic' describe this state of affairs where online and offline, digital and analogue, can no longer be separated. Since this blending had always been characteristic for mezangelle, Breeze's text streaming both practised and transcended 'new media'. Her streaming of consciousness is wired in every syllable.

'Attn: Solitude isn't a straight poetry book, nor is it a strict collation of cyborgian-emulated [chap+lady]book texts. The codework contents in this book do fragmentally fold [+ spit out of/from] poetic conventions. These microtexts do presentation-lap gently [yes: gently, albeit clinically, in some instances] at the cusp of code and poiesis. Attn: Solitude employs mezangelle – a type of quasi-cobbled conventionset born from 90s digital fomentation – to form packets of code-laced and culturally inflected output. You may choose to snippetswim in[to] these units of mezangelled output, these comprehension chips dragged kicking from one medium and screaming into another. You may not. If not, then … ? If-then-else.' — Mez Breeze
