Augie and the Green Knight

Zach Weinersmith, artist Boulet
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Age range 10+

Augie and the Green Knight is about 20,000 words long, and is a retelling of when King Arthur's court encounters a strange giant Green Knight. In this book, we get to hear the Green Knight's side of the story through the lens of a young nerdy girl named Augie.

Contributor Bio

Zach Weinersmith is acclaimed creator of Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal ( an online comic with over 250,000 daily readers and over 300 MILLION annual views. Through his comic and science outreach efforts he has been featured in The Economist, Glamour, BoingBoing, Bad Astronomy, Blastr, Blues News, Joystiq, The Washington Post, Freakonomics, and more. He lives in Tuscaloosa, AL.

Boulet is the critically acclaimed French artist and cartoonist, most noted for his self-published work Bouletcorp ( which receives over 200,000 visitors a month on the English side alone! His work has been featured on Slate, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and many more. He lives in France.