Aussie STEM Stars: Ajay Rane

Global crusader for women’s health

Wild Dingo Press
Deb Fitzpatrick
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Age range 9 to 14 

Aussie STEM Stars is an inspiring children's series that celebrates Australia's experts in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Professor Ajay Rane is the Director of Urogynaecology at Townsville University Hospital and Head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at James Cook University (JCU).

Ajay has devoted his research and practice to treating women with severe childbirth injuries in the some of the world’s poorest countries. For his years of service, Ajay was awarded the Order of Australia in 2013 and the Mahatma Gandhi Pravasi Award for Humanitarian Work in Women’s Health in 2016.

Today, as one of Australia’s leading experts on female health, Ajay remains committed to educating the community about women’s health.

Contributor Bio

Deb Fitzpatrick is the author of novels for adults, young adults and children. Her books have been awarded Notables by the Children’s Book Council of Australia, shortlisted for the West Australian Young Readers Book Awards, published in the US, and optioned for film. She has a MA from UWA and regularly teaches creative writing. Deb loves using stories from real life in her novels and is passionate about encouraging young writers. She is the recipient of a 2020 May Gibbs Children’s Literature Trust Creative Time Residential Fellowship to write her next novel.

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