Awakening of a Warrior

Past Lives of a Navy SEAL Remembered

CCC Publishing
Michael Jaco
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Michael Jaco’s past life autobiography is unlike any other. It travels back through the great wars in ancient India, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. It is an epic and thrilling story of kings and generals, philosophers and religious leaders. It is an autobiography of his being, as it has reincarnated into many lives throughout history. Numerous great thinkers have believed in the transmigration of the soul. General George Patton, Gandhi, Henry Ford, the Dalai Lama, all discussed memories of, or beliefs in, having past lives. The great philosophers Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and even Saint Augustine believed in the rebirth of the soul. Awakening of a Warrior is the result of Jaco’s investigation—his treasure hunt—into the lifetimes he experienced before the present. Included are his lives as King Abimelech of Gerar, who allied with Abraham in the creation of a new religion called Judaism; Cyrus the Great, who unified all of Persia and implemented Zoroastrianism as the state religion; and Marcus Furius Camillus, who came to be considered the second founder of Rome.

Contributor Bio

Michael Jaco served as a Navy Seal Team Six operator and CIA security operative with expert intuitive abilities developed over 35 years of extensive combat experience. With over 20 years of experience as an Intuitive, Remote Viewer, and Remote Influencer in diverse environments including combat, Michael has expertly honed his skills in the higher consciousness realms. As a master training specialist Michael has trained thousands of people in extremely high levels of personal development. Michael's mission and life focus is to help anyone quickly and easily develop the skills for success in all aspects of human achievement. He is now a popular alternative media video commentator and is based out of Sarasota, Florida.

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