Ayurveda y sexo tántrico

Ediciones Lea
Fabián Ciarlotti
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For centuries, sex has been shirked—if not outright condemned—by the majority of religions. Few doctrines, schools, or philosophies have proffered sex as a spiritual path, but Tantra is one of them. Rooted in the teachings of Tantra, this practical guide proposes a few changes of habit, in conjunction with an understanding of our own predominant element in all its virtues and defects as the path to a longer, fuller, and more pleasurable sexual life.

Contributor Bio

Fabián Ciarlotti is an Argentinean doctor and kinesiologist. He is a professor at the University of Buenos Aires and Universidad Maimónides, where he directs programs in kinesiology and Ayurvedic medicine. He is the author of Ayurveda y Sexo Tántrico, Ayurveda y Filosofía,and  Ayurveda y la Mente among other books.

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