A brother upset that his younger sister had been stung by a bee comes to her defense. When he meets the queen bee, he finds out what really happened and a fantastical journey begins and a lifelong friendship is created.

Hello, my name is Madison Webb and I am 13 years old. I wrote this book when I was 10 and it took three years for me and my family to prepare Beetopia for publishing. This book was inspired by my little brother, who jumped over the fence in our backyard to retrieve our dog's ball under a tree, where there was a wasp nest! He was stung 37 times and my mom rushed him to the ER. Thank goodness he wasn't allergic, so he's still being my little brother! This was a family process, and I'm very thankful for all my family members helping me. My dad gave me ideas on events that took place in the book, my brother's experience inspired me, and both of my grandmas pitched in to help with this project. One of my grandmas, Nana, is the illustrator and worked very hard to make sure I was happy with her illustrations and my other grandma MaeMae did the editing. My mom helped me brainstorm so I could add significant details to make the book fun to read.
I love creative writing and have already started on book 2 of this series called Piggytopia, The Adventures of Pip! You can find this next main character hiding in Beetopia! Piggytopia is based on the true story of my personal journey over the last year convincing my parents to get me a mini pig for my12th birthday! In the next edition of this series, I will introduce my very own Princess Pip the pig!
Outside of loving to write, I love spending time with my family and I am a very dedicated competitive cheerleader and straight "A" student, focusing on my academics in middle school. I hope to become a successful children's book author and I am very excited to create a series. My dream would be to have my books read all over the world!