poems written after dark

Bemused by the quirks of life, nature, chance, and art, Brooks avoids the formulaic, but rather entices rhythm, rhyme, and form organically out of his material. These poems were written in the evening, after dark. They can be read any time of day.
These poems were written over a span of twenty years, though most are recent. The themes include love, death, nature, music, and time (isn't all art about the tragedy of time?).
Brooks has been a professional violinist his entire life. He grew up in Brooklyn in a house filled with books, has lived in Vermont, Spain, and the Netherlands, and has finally settled in the city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where all of these poems were written.

Christopher Brooks has been a professional violinist his entire life. He grew up in Brooklyn in a house filled with books, has lived in Vermont, Spain, and the Netherlands, and has finally settled in the city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where all of these poems were written.Steve Davis is a graphic artist living and working in Lancaster PA. In addition to visual art, he is a superb, imaginative, guitarist.