Breaking Out

How to Build Influence in a World of Competing Ideas

Harvard Business Review Press
John Butman
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What can we learn from the people who've successfully taken their ideas to the world at large? How can you make your idea break out? Breaking Out looks to some of the most popular influencers of our time to pull tips from their journeys. By highlighting the paths of French lifestyle guru Mireille Guiliano (French Women Don't Get Fat), dog behavior specialist Cesar Millan, TOMS founder Blake Mycoskie, and others, author John Butman shows how to take your deeply-felt idea and break it from the pack to capture the attention it deserves and propel it to a much wider audience.

Contributor Bio

John Butman advises and collaborates with individual content experts and leaders of global companies, not-for-profit institutions, consultancies, and government organizations, helping them shape and express their ideas and establish idea platforms. He has written or collaborated on many books, including New York Times, Boston Globe, BusinessWeek, and Toronto Globe and Mail bestsellers. His firm, Idea Platforms, is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
