Buru Island

A Prison Memoir

Monash University Publishing
Hersri Setiawan, translated by Jennifer Lindsay
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Buru Island was the site of Indonesia's most remote and infamous prison camp. In the wake of the 1965 repression of the political Left, between 1969 and 1979, approximately 12,000 men were held on Buru without formal charge or trial. During their detention prisoners suffered torture, forced labour and malnourishment, as well as social isolation. 

As a young writer filled with hope and optimism for Indonesia's future he joined the left-wing cultural organisation Lekra (Lembaga Kebudayaan Rakyat, Institute of People's Culture) and was a permanent representative of the Indonesian National Committee to the Asia-Africa Writer's Bureau in Colombo. Setiawan shares an intimate account of his life story leading up to and during his detention. In beautifully crafted prose he brings into stark light the horrors of the period after 1965, which included disappearance, murder, torture, betrayal and loss and his own capture and incarceration on Buru Island. 

The Herb Feith Translation Series publishes high-quality non-fiction manuscripts not yet available in English, which enhance scholarship and teaching about Indonesia. Published by the Herb Feith Foundation in conjunction with Monash University, the books are available 'open access' or for free download. This will be the final book in the series.

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