Carrier Pigeon

Illustrated Fiction & Fine Art Volume 4 Issue 1

Paper Crown Press
Designed by Mark Bieri
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Carrier Pigeon Volume 4 Issue 1 is the 13th issue of the illustrated fiction and fine art magazine and includes, one of 10 solar plate etchings by Christina Pumo. Editioned at 100 prints each. A die cut dust jacket by Lauren Purje, and a fold out poster by Scott Teplin. Carrier Pigeon 13 is designed by Mark Bieri and Jeff Terzi of Suyn Projects.

Illustrated fiction in this issue includes August Written by J.S. Belote and Illustrated by Keren Katz, How Small the Earth You've Made Written by Amara VerValin and Illustrated by Morgan Jesse Lappin, Fly Away Written by Rebecca Stahl and Illustrated by Lori Nelson, Rock Fight Written by Mike Borth and Illustrated by Kevin McCloskey, Antique Shop Written by Danilo Lopez and Illustrated by Edwin Vazquez, Poems

Written by Rick Bursky and Illustrated by Yael Balaban. Fine Art Portfolios include works by artists Seth Michael Forman, Zohar Cohen, Scott Teplin, Dan Welden, Charles Yoder, Christina Pumo.