Central Disorder

Polished Stone Publishing
M. D. McCann
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Smoldering satire and personal narrative fuse in this epic tale of a Texas military school cadet navigating the 1960s counterculture revolution in a muscle car with fuzzy dice hanging from the rear-view mirror. Where is South Vietnam, anyway?
A riotous and unhinged blend of Hunter S. Thompson and Charles Portis, Central Disorder is a book for subversives, malcontents, juvenile delinquents, anarchists, disappointed office seekers, rednecks, atheists, agnostics, doomsday types, Libertarians, revolutionaries, militarists, xenophobes, nativists, gonzo journalists, misanthropes, adventurers, Quakers, Yellow Dog Democrats, muckrakers, scalawags, and just about anyone else who can read and enjoys something different.
