Christine's Turn

A Novel

Walnut Street Books
Merle Good
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A love story, told with poetic restraint and emotive coming-of-age themes.

Now in her senior year of university, Christine is caught between possibilities that open for her and her terror of failing. She has never met her father. Can she escape the depressing shadow of her mother?

When a new song she and Zach write for their little band becomes a big hit of sorts, she feels conflicted by the shallow celebrity it brings. Does she want this future?

Reluctantly she is drawn into a crusade to stop the development of a historic farm next door to her home. Is this her calling? Does she know what she’s doing?

She can’t forget Thomas, although he’s upper class and she was born on the bottom rung. Does he see her as anything more than an interesting friend? Then Gordon re-enters her life and wants to marry her. Again.

Where does Christine belong? Will she ever get her turn? Does she even want it? Mama tells her to always aim lower to avoid disappointment. Others think she can excel. Is she bound to fail?

A gripping search for roots, meaning, and love.

Contributor Bio

Merle Good of eastern Pennsylvania, is a writer, dramatist, and publisher whose books have sold nearly a million copies. His op-ed pieces have appeared in The New York Times, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times. Academy-Award-winning actress Geraldine Page starred in the movie Hazel’s People, based on Good’s first novel. His play, The Preacher and the Shrink, opened Off-Broadway in 2013.

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