Classic Starts®: Gulliver's Travels

Sterling Children's Books
Jonathan Swift, abridged by Martin Woodside, afterword by Arthur Pober
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Age range 7 to 9

An abridged and illustrated chapter book retelling of Gulliver’s Travels, part of the bestselling Classic Starts® series that has sold more than 8 million copies! 

Through the eyes of Lemuel Gulliver, Swift’s unforgettable satire takes readers into worlds formerly unimagined. Visit four strange and remarkable lands: Lilliput, where Gulliver seems a giant among a race of tiny people; Brobdingnag, the opposite, where the natives are giants and Gulliver puny; the ruined yet magical country of Laputa; and the home of the Houyhnhnms, gentle horses far superior to the ugly humanoid Yahoos who share their universe. 

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