Classical Comics Teaching Resource Pack: Macbeth
Making Shakespeare accessible for teachers and students

Designed for the classroom, this resource book contains activities and exercises to help the teaching of Macbeth.
graphic novels, it can be used with any version of the play.
It includes a broad range of topics including: structure, listening, understanding, motivation and character as well as key words, themes and literary techniques.
The exercises have been approached from a cross-curriculum perspective so that they cover not only literature and literacy, but also history, technology, drama, reading, speaking, writing and art.
The age range is 10 to 17, but of course within that span exists a broad spectrum of skill levels. Therefore, this study guide includes activities for all, providing many opportunities for differentiated teaching and for the tailoring of lessons to meet individual needs.
Examples of some of the activities are:
. The Globe Theatre - with comprehension questions
. The history of the “Scottish Play”
. Scene by scene synopsis
. Macbeth - from hero to villain?
. Lady Macbeth - discussion points and write her diary activity
. King Duncan - questions to answer from the text
. Metaphors and Similes
. Shakespeare’s language - insults and iambic pentameters
. Find the missing words
. Wordsearch
Understanding the play
. Describe what is happening, and what happens next, from a page out of the graphic novel
. Write a book review
. Quiz
. Conduct a trial for Lady Macbeth
. Write and perform a sequel
. Coloring pages
and many more…
A CD is included that contains the pages in PDF format so that they can be used on any whiteboard or local intranet system.

As a parent Karen Wenborn recognizes the need to provide today’s Playstation generation with literature in a format that will engage and delight. Already the proud owner of well over 2,000 books, (all of which have been read), there is little that Karen doesn’t know about literature from all periods.
graphic novels.
among other titles.
graphic novels for Classical Comics.
Clive Bryant is the founder of Classical Comics and has served as Editor in Chief for the entire series of graphic novels and teaching resources.