Come Together

Green Writers Press
Dana Simson
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This is an engaging handbook to launch a movement of individuals to tackle global warming by simply retooling our daily actions. Easy proactive steps develop a long term perspective based in civility, integrity and an invigorating love for our earth. Save money, lose clutter, live well, feel happy and healthier as you pull for the planet.

Make smart changes through a bottoms up strategy for now where each of us is empowered to make a difference in little ways that trend to big solutions.The Movement of One is both the individual and all of us connected in this common goal. Pass this book on. We are the change.

Contributor Bio

Dana Simson is a life-long environmentalist and climate change activist. She and her husband live in a 200-year-old house on an island in the Chesapeake Bay on the frontline of climate change. This magical place, abundant with wildlife and natural beauty inspires her daily. She has written and illustrated 14 books and worked with many companies internationally to design home decor and products. Dana drives with a tideclock on the dash of her car. She lets the fish and bluecrabs have the right of way on the commute home. She is also the illustrator for the upcoming Green Writers Press children's picture book, Janey Monarch Seed.
