Decolonial Mourning and the Caring Commons

Migration-Coloniality Necropolitics and Conviviality Infrastructure

Anthem Press
Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez
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Explores how mourning is shaped both by its historical context and the political labour of caring commons, while suggesting a conducive atmosphere of support against migration-coloniality necro politics.

This book is the product of an endless individual and collective process of mourning. It departs from the author’s mourning for her parents, their histories and struggles in Germany as Gastarbeiter, while it also engages with the political mourning of intersectional feminist movements against feminicide in Central and South America; the struggles against state and police misogynoir violence of #SayHerName in the United States; the resistance of refugees and migrantised people against the coloniality of migration in Germany; and the intense political grief work of families, relatives, and friends who lost their loved ones in racist attacks from the 1980s until today in Germany. Bearing witness to their stories and accounts, this book explores how mourning is shaped both by its historical context and the political labour of caring commons, while it also follows the building of a conducive atmosphere of support against migration-coloniality necro politics, dwelling toward transformative and reparative practices of common justice.

Contributor Bio

Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez is Professor in Sociology with a focus on Culture and Migration at the Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main. 
