Die Wand- und Bodenstanduhren der Habsburgermonarchie

This two-volume publication is a comprehensive portrayal of the evolutionary history and techniques behind the wall clocks and long-case clocks of the Habsburg monarchy from 1780 to 1850.
Volume 1 is divided into sections on history, biography, and technique. To begin, the history and development of the craft is explained in greater depth. This is followed by detailed biographies introducing the most important artisans, which also hone in on the profession and prevailing social conditions. The third section presents developments in wall and long-case clocks in form and technique and includes transcriptions of pertinent patents in addition to explanations on the individual components. Volume 1 also contains a catalogue section comprising almost 400 pendulum clocks — the heart of the publication — some of which have never been published.
Volume 2 is a unique register of over 14,000 entries of the most significant clockmakers, including a large number of hitherto unknown masters and workshops. Biographical information on the makers, location of the workshops, masterpieces and exhibits for trade shows, inventions, distinctive features of the clocks, sales outlets, and the original prices, among other things, are all detailed.
Text in German.